Priority 2. Air Quality
View full brief here
In the past, Utah Foundation combined the topics of air quality and the environment. For this year’s preliminary open-response survey, the overwhelming number of “air quality” answers demonstrated the need to break it out as its own topic. Indeed, air quality ranked second among the top priorities of Utah’s registered voters. The preliminary open-response survey used to create the list of potential priorities took place during the state’s highest winter pollution levels in years. Although the voters survey which ranked the 21 priorities took place a month later, the memory of the winter inversion levels likely influenced air quality’s placement as a top priority. Of the open-response survey respondents, 11% indicated that air quality was a top concern. A handful of respondents highlighted health impacts created by the poor air quality. Another small portion of respondents talked about sources of pollution such as transportation or industry. Some of these responses also suggested solutions to the issue, which included better public transportation and stricter laws and regulations for polluters that do not meet state and federal standards.
Air Quality Position in Utah Priorities
Briefs, Reports, and Blogs
Utah Foundation’s brief on Air Quality
Also, feel free to glance through some of our older reports and blogs about air quality.
View all Air Quality Reports
- Bringing Air Quality Home: Reducing Residential Emissions
- The Air We Breathe: A Broad Analysis of Utah’s Air Quality and Policy Solutions
- Utah Foundation Quality of Life Index: 2013 Edition Shows Concerns About Jobs, K-12 Education and Air Quality
- Addressing Utah’s Air Quality and Environmental Concerns
- Utah’s Air Quality Improving But Vehicle Emissions a Growing Concern
View all Air Quality Blogs
- Utah Thrives – Power Equipment and Air Quality
- Utah Thrives — Better Air Quality Begins at Home
- Utah Thrives — Legislative Action on Air Quality
- Waiting for Tier 3: How Soon Will Cleaner Gasoline Come to Utah?
- Top Research Findings of 2014: Part III