Significant Statistics | Growth Part II: Priorities for Addressing Growth

Written by: Christopher Collard

Utah’s rapid growth means the state can expect to continue seeing a growing economy and increased national prominence. But it would be a mistake to assume that this growth can come without a price. Certainly, survey respondents to the Utah Foundation’s 2020 Utah Priorities Project have concerns.

When thinking about population growth, most Utah voters were concerned about infrastructure for roads and water. Those that were more concerned with roads tended to be affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, older voters and Republicans. The remainder of voters were roughly split between the impact of growth on air quality and education. Those concerned about air quality ended to be those unaffiliated with a religion or those affiliated with a religion other than the Church of Jesus Christ, younger Utah voters (especially post-millennials), and Democrats. Those who prioritized education tended to be affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ, younger voters, and voters affiliated with the Democratic party.

Voters’ priorities vary by demographic characteristic.

Figure 1: Voters’ Concerns Regarding Population Growth by Demographic Characteristics

Source: Utah Foundation Utah Priorities Project survey.


See the other parts of this Growth in Utah post here:

Growth Part I:

Growth Part III:

Growth Part IV:

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