In support of the Utah Foundation’s middle housing study, Salt Lake County Regional Development reviewed the current zoning of all cities, towns and metro townships throughout the county.

Regional Development analyzed the nine different types of middle housing by zone and created categories based on how many different types of middle housing were allowable through permitted use or only conditional use.

The analysis is below. Scroll through the table to see every city in the county. Hover over the zone name for additional details. (Please note that unincorporated Salt Lake County zoning is at the bottom.)





Salt Lake County Regional Development developed the following process to determine zones where middle housing is encouraged:

  1. Is attached housing or small cottage courts allowed?
  2. If yes, what types are permitted or conditional?
  3. Does the zone have favorable density (low to medium)?
  4. Does the zone allow for various building types?
  5. Are there restrictions on development that would make incorporating middle
    housing difficult?

Some cities allow for twin homes (property divided at middle wall) but not duplexes (one property, two units). The county included twin homes as a type of duplex in this analysis.

This analysis does not include overlays, but cities may be aware of overlays that would be suited for middle housing. Examples may include some mixed-use or planned community zones. These can be incorporated into this analysis if cities determine they meet the parameters of encouraging middle housing.

Thanks to Carrie Marsh for her analysis.